Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The difference between DVD-R and DVD+R

Q:I wanted to add a recordable DVD drive to my computer. What is the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R?

A:As DVD recording comes of age and the prices come down, more of us will likely be adding DVD writers to our computers. But what gives with these dueling formats?

Anyone who was around twenty years ago might remember the battle between the two video tape formats: VHS (Victor Home System) and Betamax (Sony). Fast forward to the twenty-first century and we have a similar battle of the formats with DVD.

The disks are pretty much the same, but the writing process is different. DVD+R is a bit more advanced, but the disks often cost more than the older DVD-R format.

Another thing to consider is what format your DVD recording software works best in. nowadays dvd writers comes in mixed of both so that suitable for every one.

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