If you spend a lot of time on the internet, chances are you have already made several friends, unless your personality is such that you created “cyber-enemies” instead. Either way, here are a few simple tips on how to create a network of internet friends.
Join and actively participate in an active internet community. Whatever you enjoy doing or discussing, there is an online community for it. You can join a chat room or a forum. Just register and join the online community by introducing yourself and telling the group a little about who you are and your hobbies. Respond to comments and various topics and be "visible" in the community. Soon the members will get to know you and you can enjoy watching your friendships grow. Step2
Blog about a popular topic. Start a blog about Sarah Palin's daughter, the daughter's boyfriend, Hillary Clinton, Bigfoot or any hot topic or current event. You'll have an instant network of internet friends! Many opinionated folk will start to comment on your blog. As you respond to comments and interact with the group, you will develop friendships and talk to people as if you have known them all your life. Step3
Take an Internet class. Internet classes will provide a unique environment for intelligent conversation among people with a common interest and a common goal. You learn to chat online, post on message boards and interact in forums with classmates and instructors. Not only do you meet new friends worldwide, but you learn and get a degree (if desired) in the process! Step4
Start or join an online book club. Pick a book or author you are passionate about and invite others who are passionate about the same writing style to join in the discussions. There are many popular online book clubs listed in the resource section of this article. Step5
Start an online forum. Start an internet forum on a topic of your choice. Maybe a "Complaints" forum where people can get loads of garbage off their chest. Just imagine how much good you will do for heart disease and hypertension!!
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