Monday, November 10, 2008

How to Understand Computer terms and their definitions

*Add-on* A hardware or software addition that serves to enhance performance of an existing program or device. *Bus controller* A regulated mechanism that manages the flow of information through a computer. *Client* Any workstation in a computer network that can use the resources of another (called a server). *Disk fragmentation* A condition that occurs after many reads and writes to a disk in that data for a single file is scattered throughout the disk rather than stored in contigu- ous sectors. *Execution* The performance of an operation. *File transfer protocol (FTP)* Rules that oversee the transfer of data files within a computer or between two computers. *GoTo* Instructing a program to branch off to a new set of commands without any testing of conditions.
*Hyperlink* A program device that connects computer applications or documents that provides for fast switching from one to another. *Input device* Equipment connected to a computer that is an entry point for data, such as a keyboard or a modem. *.JPG* JPEG, Joint Photographic Experts Group File extension for a particular compression format used to store photographs. *Keyword* Word or words in a formula that indicate the operation to be performed. *Local bus* Technique that provides a direct link between a computer's CPU (central processing unit) and peripherals such as a video card or- hard disk controller.
*Macro* Set of instructions that are deployed by a single command or means of a hot key or shortcut key combination. Macros are used by programmers to provide special characteristic's in some programs such as a key combination that formats copy. *Network* A number of computers and peripherals interconnected for sharing information and resources. A network can be made up of computers, printers, scanners, or other devices. *Overwrite* Save information to a storage area that is already occupied , thus obliterating the old data. *Peripheral-Peripheral device* Non-essential equipment that is connected to a computer and controlled by printers, scanners, and so forth. *Query* Request for data, as a record or set of records from a database
*Remote access* The ability of a computer to connect and interact with another computer or peripheral that is not in the immediate area. *Server* A computer whose resources (storage, printer) are available to other terminals in a computer network known as clients. *Terminal* Any device connected to a main computer or file server for the purpose of entering data and/or monitoring activity. *User friendly* A computer system or program that makes it easier for the user to learn. *Virtual memory* Extension of a computer's main memory in a specific space of hard disk storage.
*WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)* Description of the representation of type and graphics on a computer screen that closely imitates the image that will be printed. *XLS* File name extension for a spreadsheet file. *Zap* A program command to clear a monitor screen and start fresh.

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