Friday, November 14, 2008

How to Greatly Increase Your Computer Speed Immediately! Right Now !

Is your computer slow and unresponsive? Do you find yourself doing other things while you are waiting for your computer to load? I know from personal experience that this can be very frustrating. Today I am going to take you step by step on what you need to do to fix this and your computer performance will improve immediately! I GUARANTEE that your computer will be much faster when you are done with all of the steps I take you through. (Part 3)

CCleaner! This is a free utility that is a computer(and sanity) lifesaver! I have never had a problem with this program. It has done wonders for my computer. I HIGHLY recommend downloading this utility!
You can download it directly from Here: Or You can go to the home page and read about it and then download it, Here:
Download and and install CCleaner
Create a system restore point. Name it "Before Cleaning with CCleaner" Create a system restore point. To do this, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore and select "Create Restore Point".
Open it (It will place an icon on your desktop). On the left side you will see 4 Buttons. 1. Cleaner, 2. Registry, 3. Tools and 4. Options. We will be using Cleaner and Registry. When you are in Cleaner Mode, You will see 2 Tabs not far to the right (Registry mode does not have these tabs). These 2 Tabs are "Windows" (Cleanup) and "Applications" (Cleanup). While in the "Windows" tab, Click "Run Cleaner" in the bottom Right hand corner.
Click the "Applications" Tab. Click Run CCleaner.
Next, go down to the Registry Button on the Left hand side. It is just under the cleaner button. Click "Scan For Issues". This is going to find problems with your registry, an extremely important part of your computer. It is very accurate and has never told me that something was an issue when it really wasn't. It may take a while to scan, and when it is finished, Click "Fix Selected Issues".
A pop-up will come up and ask "Do you want to backup changes to the registry?". This is GOOD. Click "Yes". Then save the backup wherever you want to.
One last screen. You are almost done, and your computer is almost done. I'm sure you can already feel the difference, but after this, you will be very happy with the results! Click "Fix All Selected Issues"! Thats It! That wasn't that hard either!
Please let me know how everything works for you! PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT! If you have any trouble with my directions, please tell me, and I'll help you! Good luck everyone, and enjoy!

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