Friday, November 14, 2008

Know how to Use The Google AdSense Preview Tool

The Google AdSense Preview Tool was written to be an addition to the right-click menu for Windows Internet Explorer 6.x. It allows you to preview the ads that may show on any web page. According to the Google support site "With just a few clicks, you can see what ads may appear on your new webpages, or make an educated decision on whether to add AdSense to your existing site pages." So, while we can use it here on eHow for viewing ads in our articles, it is more of a tool for bloggers and people who design their own web pages.

You can check the destination of the ads displayed on your blog or web page. According to Google, " ads displayed in the preview tool are in a test state, so you don't have to worry about accidentally clicking on an ad. Clicks and impressions are not counted against the ads that display within the preview tool."
You can use the Preview Tool to see sample ad formats and colors. You can also use it to create previews of formats and color combinations. In addition, you can choose from two different preview formats, plus a twelve ad spread that allows you to view more available ads all at the same time.
The Tool also allows you to preview colors on your page. According to Google "The 'Preview' feature of the Color Options menu allows you to see what new color combinations would look like on existing AdSense standard ad units, right on the page. By simply selecting new border, background, or text colors from the preview tool, and clicking "Preview," the new colors will be temporarily applied to the standard ad unit currently on your page."
By default, the Geographical Targeting feature is set to automatic. You can select the geographical targeted location from which to view ads. This allows you to see what users in one country will see, even if you live in another coutry.
The next steps are repeated from my article : How to View Your eHow Article Ads Ethically, which can be read from this link:
Step2To download this add-on go to: If the link doesn't launch when you click on it, copy and paste the link into your IE address bar.
Right click on the hyper link "AdSense Preview Tool", and select Save Target As... Save the registry file (.reg) to your desktop.
Next, double-click the file from your desktop. A confirmation window will appear, then click Yes to continue. The registry update will self-install
Restart Internet Explorer by closing all of your open Internet Explorer windows.
That's all there is to it it! Right clicking the mouse button from any webpage will open your context menu; select Google AdSense Preview Tool from the menu to launch the preview tool.

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