Thursday, November 20, 2008

See Heaven on Earth

If you can only imagine, then it is possible to see Heaven on Earth. Oh what a wonderful place to be. Take my hand and walk with me, let me take you to a place that I can see...

Do you like what you see? Do you like what you see? Close your eyes and relax, now just imagine a place that is not on a map. A place where people visit one another at the speed of light. They travel as far as Wisconsin to Chicago, by day or by night. Where spirits meet others from all over the globe. I'm sure that some of them are from out of space.
Do you see what I see... different colors and no concern for the human race. Diversity is everywhere and demographics has no place. In heaven there is no discrimination, because the only color that really matters is "green."
Peace Peace Do you hear what I hear... people helping one another. Good advice and nothing but compliments everywhere. In Heaven there is only peace. You hear a lot of "Oohs" and "Ahs" and that's some good stuff. There are spiritual advisors everywhere, they say "come follow us and we will get you there."
Have you noticed... that this place has no real gender? It's apples and oranges, dogs and cats. There are beautiful pictures of all sorts of things. Age is not even a factor, the only equation is you and me.
Step5 Now open your eyes and you will see a small place in the Universe by the name of "ehow dot com."

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